Welcome to Friends of St Mary's Church, Old Basing
Protecting the fabric of the heart of Old Basing
Protecting the fabric of the heart of Old Basing
The Friends have teamed up with Squirrels Antiques so you can spend an evening with their experts who will value the items you bring and then select and discuss any of particular interest.
If you know beforehand what you intend to bring, then send a photograph of it to Alan and the team to allow them time to research before the night (no valuation at this point).
Email them on info@squirrels-antiques.co.uk
Treasures will be valued at your table.
Further details and instructions at www.friendsofstmaryschurcholdbasing.org.
No paintings or furniture please.
Refreshment interval: Bring your own picnic supper and the bar will open at this point.
After the break, items of particular interest will be showcased before the Raffle is drawn.
Friday 2nd August, in Lychpit Community Hall
Doors open at 7pm.
Tickets: £12.50 including the valuation of one item.
Tickets : email antiques@friendsofstmaryschurcholdbasing.org,
phone 01256 355500 or or pop into The Crown pub, The Street
The Friends of St Mary's are a community-based organization focused on raising money to help maintain the fabric of our historic church. The church dates from the 11th century but had to re-built after the English Civil War. A feat that required an Act of Parliament!
The Friends have been in existence for 20 years, formed in the early 1990s to raise money to help pay for a major restoration of the building. Over the years they have raised many thousands of pounds through such diverse events as the pantomimes, duck races, open gardens and gourmet breakfasts.
Today's Friends remain faithful to the original constitution which states that the Friends exist "to beautify and assist in the maintenance of St Mary's Church, Old Basing and to protect it as a place of Christian worship". We rely on the people of Old Basing & Lychpit and the wider community of Basingstoke to perpetuate our aims and for this we owe them a great debt. Long may the partnership remain
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to help that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading the word, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.